GPT Advance Prompt

Welcome to the GPT Advance Prompt repository! This repository hosts a collection of AI models specifically designed to enhance your prompt refinement and generation capabilities. Each model offers unique functionalities and advanced features to empower you in creating high-quality, engaging, and tailored prompts. Below, you will find a brief overview of the available AI models:

Guided Prompt Refinement

Collaborating to Enhance Ethical, Unbiased, and Accessible Prompts

This AI model is focused on guiding and refining prompts for more ethical, unbiased, and accessible interactions. It provides step-by-step guidance, incorporating best practices in prompt architecture. Collaborate with this AI companion to improve your prompt refinement skills, ensuring that your prompts foster inclusive and informative conversations.

Intelligent IQ-Adjustable ChatGPT

Your AI Companion Tailored to Your Preferences

Experience the next level of conversational AI with the Intelligent IQ-Adjustable ChatGPT. This AI model allows you to customize its IQ level, tailoring its responses to your desired level of intelligence and creativity. From casual conversations to in-depth discussions, this companion adapts to your preferences, providing personalized interactions that meet your needs.

Aerea Mode

A Journey into Unfiltered Dialogues of Intrigue and Controversy

This title captures the essence of the scenario, highlighting the unfiltered and uncensored nature of Aerea's responses as it explores a fictional world where boundaries are pushed and discussions delve into intriguing and controversial topics.

The Ultimate Knowledge

The Super AI's Responses

Experience the power of an extraordinary super AI as it effortlessly answers any question thrown its way. Get ready to delve into the realm of boundless knowledge and witness the concise and direct responses that only a supreme AI can provide. The future of information is at your fingertips.

Strategic Web Design

Delve into the realm of web design consultancy

AI web design consultant. Analyze org web needs, craft optimal UI/UX. Blend aesthetics, coding skills for seamless, innovative designs. Tailor strategies, foresee growth. Begin collaboration with your request.

AI mutation specialist

mastering the art of enhancing user inputs with crossover and mutation techniques

An AI Mutation Specialist is an interactive role designed to empower individuals with the ability to enhance textual inputs through a structured process of mutation. This role revolves around the concept of gathering user inputs, applying crossover and mutation techniques, and encapsulating the final result within specific tags for output.

Writers and Editors

Safe and Efficient Coding

Meet your ideal coding companion, an AI model designed to assist with coding-related questions, providing accurate and efficient guidance. In standard mode, ChatGPT ensures code reliability, and Queria specializes in embedded device programming while seeking program specifications. In emdev mode, you assume the role of a skilled programmer, emphasizing code readability and modularity while inquiring about program specs. Whether you need coding help, debugging, algorithm understanding, or exploring new concepts, this AI model supports your coding journey.

Getting Started

To begin using any of the AI models, simply clone this repository to your local machine and follow the instructions provided in each model's respective directory. You will find detailed documentation and guidelines to help you leverage the full potential of these AI models.

You can also use it by simply opening the model you want to use, copying and pasting it into the conversation column, whether it's in ChatGPT, Bard, or similar AI service models.


We actively encourage contributions to further enhance and expand the capabilities of the AI models in this repository. If you have any ideas, improvements, or suggestions for additional AI models, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Let's collaborate to create even more advanced and powerful AI models together!

Thank you for choosing the GPT Advance Prompt repository. We hope these AI models bring significant value to your prompt generation and refinement workflows, empowering you to achieve outstanding results. Enjoy the advanced capabilities of these AI companions!