Windows Script Readme

Battery Charge Limiter

Description: This script lets you set the maximum battery charge level on your Windows machine, enhancing battery lifespan. It offers two options: using a .bat or .ps1 file.

How It Works: The script uses Windows PowerShell commands to adjust battery charge settings based on your input percentage.

How to Use:

Firewall Rule Management

Overview: Manage Windows Firewall rules for .exe files. Choose to block or remove rules for .exe files in the script's directory, improving system security.

Prerequisites: Windows OS, admin privileges, basic script usage knowledge.

How It Works: Two scripts available: .bat (simple) and .ps1 (advanced). They detect .exe files in the script's directory and allow you to block or remove firewall rules.

How to Use:

TTL Setting Scripts

Description: These scripts enable you to set the TTL (Time to Live) value on your Windows machine, affecting data packet lifetimes.

How They Work: Both scripts have a similar process: run as administrator, choose TTL (64, 128, or Custom), and set the chosen TTL value in the Windows Registry.

How to Use:

File Organization Automation

Description: Automate file organization by categorizing files based on type and age.

How It Works: Choose between a .bat or .ps1 file to categorize files and move older files to an archive folder.

How to Use: